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0 825 300 230


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0 825 300 230


  • KATANА: Kills Active Threats And New Attacks.
  • A non-signature anti-virus.
  • Combats threats that are brand-new and unknown to your anti-virus: encryption ransomware programs (which demand that users pay a ransom to get their corrupted files decoded), blockers, and web injectors.
  • Does not conflict with third-party anti-viruses.
  • No configuration required.
  • KATANА: Kills Active Threats And New Attacks.
  • A non-signature anti-virus offering preventive protection against the latest active threats, targeted attacks, and attempts to exploit vulnerabilities, including zero-day ones, to penetrate systems.
  • Complements the traditional signature-based anti-virus that is already installed on your computer.
  • Does not require any configuration and starts operating effectively right after installation.
  • A non-signature anti-virus that operates in conjunction with your traditional anti-virus to provide your computer with maximum protection.
  • Operates on the basis of malware behavioural data and does not use a virus database (signatures).
  • KATANА: Kills Active Threats And New Attacks.
  • KATANА: Kills Active Threats And New Attacks.
  • Protection is based on non-signature search methods and the neutralisation of malware that is unknown to your anti-virus.
  • Utilises Dr.Web cloud-based protection technologies.
  • KATANА: Kills Active Threats And New Attacks.
  • A non-signature anti-virus.
  • Neutralises threats that are brand-new and unknown to your anti-virus.
  • Monitors all system processes and blocks those that exhibit malicious behaviour.
  • Does not conflict with third-party anti-viruses.
  • KATANА: Kills Active Threats And New Attacks.
  • A non-signature anti-virus that protects against the latest malicious programs that are designed to bypass detection by traditional, signature-based anti-viruses.
  • Can operate in conjunction with other anti-virus software products to provide your computer with enhanced protection.
  • Offers effective protection from malicious programs even if a PC is not connected to the Internet.
  • KATANА: Kills Active Threats And New Attacks.
  • A non-signature anti-virus.
  • Protects against malware programs that your anti-virus software’s virus database is unable to recognise at the time of infection.
  • Performs a lightning-fast analysis of each threat’s behaviour in real time and immediately neutralises harmful scripts and processes that your anti-virus did not manage to recognize.
  • KATANА: Kills Active Threats And New Attacks.
  • A next-generation, non-signature anti-virus.
  • Detects and blocks threats that your traditional anti-virus failed to detect.
  • Analyses the behaviour of each running program in real time, while checking each one against Dr.Web cloud reputation data which is continuously updated.
  • On the basis of constantly updated malware behavioural data, it determines whether a program is dangerous and then takes whatever measures are necessary to neutralise the threat.